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Persistent unmet need for surgical care in Western Uganda.

Tropical Doctor 2024 June 18
Treatable surgical diseases account for a significant proportion of the global burden of disease, particularly in low- and middle-income communities. The number of deaths owing to poor surgical care or its non-availability has been reported to exceed those from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. The Ugandan government and its development partners aim to put in place measures to achieve universal health coverage for all communities. These include construction and equipping health facilities, training of health workers, opening up road networks, and poverty alleviation programmes. However, these efforts have, as yet, fallen short as evidenced by external hernias remaining the leading cause of intestinal obstruction for more than 40 years. We recommend establishment of global surgery collaborations with rural-based medical training schools and other health facilities, essential surgical skills training for medical students, task shifting in surgical care and integration of regular surgical camps in the Uganda's healthcare delivery model.

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