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Stability of ischial pressure with 3D thermoplastic elastomer cushion and the characteristics of four types of cushions in pressure redistribution.
Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics 2024 June 15
Wheelchair cushions are recommended to be used with wheelchair and can protect the buttocks from pain and injury by relieving interface pressure for wheelchair users. However, further investigations are required for proper use in response to the development of new types of wheelchair cushions. The objective of this study was to evaluate physical characteristics of wheelchair cushions by comparing pressure redistributing effects of four types of cushions. The participants were 16 healthy adults who consented to participate in this study. A pressure mapping system (CONFORMat, Nitta Corp.) was used for the measurements. Pressure at ischium was measured immediately after the stabilization of the sitting posture and 10 minutes after. The pressure at ischium significantly decreased with any wheelchair cushions (P < 0.01). A significant negative correlation between body mass index and pressure at ischium was observed without a wheelchair cushion (r = - 0.70), however, the correlation disappeared upon use of a wheelchair cushion. The pressure at ischium increased over time with cushions of urethane, air, and urethane-air hybrid while that with the 3D thermoplastic elastomer cushion did not, and the change in the pressure was statistically less than that in other cushions (P < 0.01). Use of wheelchair cushions was effective in redistribution of the pressure at ischium, and the overtime change in the pressure depends on the type of used cushions.
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