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Journal Article
Multicenter Study
The impact of methylene blue in colon cancer: a retrospective multicentric study.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2024 June 13
INTRODUCTION: Discussions about the optimal lymph node (LN) count and its therapeutic consequences have persisted over time. The final LN count in colorectal tissues is affected by a variety of variables (patient, tumor, operation, pathologist, immune response). Methylene blue (MB) intra-arterial injection is a simple and inexpensive procedure that can be used to enhance lymph node count.
AIM: Analyze whether there is a statistically significant difference between intra-arterial methylene blue injection and conventional dissection for the quantification of lymph nodes and determine if there is a variation in the quality of lymph node acquisition.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Between 2015 and 2022, we conducted a retrospective analysis of colon cancer specimens. Data on the tumor's features, the number of lymph nodes, the number of lymph nodes that were positive, and other factors had been collected. The number of identified lymph nodes was highly significantly improved in the study group (P < 0.05). There is not a significant statistical difference between groups regarding the metastatic lymph node harvest. The group with injection of intra-arterial methylene blue shows a significantly decreased (P < 0.05) of the of cases with less than 12 lymph nodes recovered comparing with the control group.
CONCLUSION: Colon cancer specimens can be easily evaluated concerning lymph nodes using the methylene blue method. Therefore, we strongly advise this approach as a standard procedure in the histological evaluation of colon cancer specimens in order to maximize the identification of lymph nodes. However, the detection of metastatic lymph nodes was unaffected significantly.
AIM: Analyze whether there is a statistically significant difference between intra-arterial methylene blue injection and conventional dissection for the quantification of lymph nodes and determine if there is a variation in the quality of lymph node acquisition.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Between 2015 and 2022, we conducted a retrospective analysis of colon cancer specimens. Data on the tumor's features, the number of lymph nodes, the number of lymph nodes that were positive, and other factors had been collected. The number of identified lymph nodes was highly significantly improved in the study group (P < 0.05). There is not a significant statistical difference between groups regarding the metastatic lymph node harvest. The group with injection of intra-arterial methylene blue shows a significantly decreased (P < 0.05) of the of cases with less than 12 lymph nodes recovered comparing with the control group.
CONCLUSION: Colon cancer specimens can be easily evaluated concerning lymph nodes using the methylene blue method. Therefore, we strongly advise this approach as a standard procedure in the histological evaluation of colon cancer specimens in order to maximize the identification of lymph nodes. However, the detection of metastatic lymph nodes was unaffected significantly.
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