Journal Article
Multicenter Study
Observational Study
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Efficacy and tolerability of 100 mg of lasmiditan for migraine: A multi-center, prospective observational real-world study in Japan.

BACKGROUND: Real-world data on the effectiveness and safety of lasmiditan, a new medication for acute migraine attacks, is necessary.

METHODS: We performed a prospective, observational, multi-center, real-world study. A total of 48 patients with migraine (44 females, 44.6 ± 12.9 years old) were included in this study.

RESULTS: Twenty-three patients (47.9%) reported they were headache-free two hours after taking lasmiditan and were categorized into the responder group. In total, 44 patients (91.7%) experienced at least one side effect within two hours of taking the medication. Dizziness, somnolence, malaise, nausea, and palpitations were reported by 56.3% (n = 27), 45.8% (n = 22), 37.5% (n = 18), 20.8% (n = 10), and 14.6% (n = 7) of patients respectively. Of 48 patients, 20 (41.7%) indicated that they preferred lasmiditan to their previous acute treatment. There were no predictive factors for efficacy.

CONCLUSION: This real-world study demonstrated the efficacy and safety of lasmiditan. More than 90% of patients experienced side effects from lasmiditan. Approximately 40% of patients preferred lasmiditan despite the occurrence of side effects.

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