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Oxylipins in Breast Implant Associated Systemic Symptoms.

BACKGROUND: A subset of women with breast implants have reported a myriad of nonspecific systemic symptoms collectively termed systemic symptoms associated with breast implants (SSBI). SSBI symptoms are similar to manifestations associated with autoimmune and connective tissue disorders Breast tissue is rich in adipose cells, comprised of lipids. Insertion of an implant creates an oxidative environment leading to lipid oxidation. Oxylipins can influence immune responses and inflammatory processes.

OBJECTIVES: This study explores the abundance of a spectrum of oxylipins in the peri-prosthetic tissue surrounding the breast implant. Since oxylipins are immunogenic, we sought to determine if they are associated with the SSBI subjects. We have also attempted to determine if the common manifestations exhibited by such subjects have any association with oxylipin abundance.

METHODS: The study included 120 subjects divided in three cohorts. Forty-six subjects with breast implants exhibiting manifestation associated with SSBI, 29 in control cohort I subjects with breast implants not exhibiting manifestation associated with SSBI (non-SSBI) and 45 in control cohort II subjects without implants (normal tissue) were analyzed. Lipid extraction and oxylipin quantification was performed using LCMS. LC-MS/MS targeted analysis from the breast adipose tissue was performed.

RESULTS: Of the fifteen oxylipins analyzed, four exhibited increased abundance in the SSBI cohort compared to the non-SSBI and normal cohorts.

CONCLUSIONS: The study documents the association of the oxylipins with each manifestation reported by the subject. This study provides an objective assessment on the subjective questionnaire highlighting which symptoms could be more relevant than the others.

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