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Effect of a low-mineralized thermal spring water on skin barrier mechanical properties using atomic force microscopy.

The mineral content of thermal spring water (TSW) applied to the skin surface can directly influence the skin barrier. Indeed, our previous study showed that Avène TSW (ATSW), a low mineral content thermal spring water, protects the stratum corneum from dehydration compared to a mineral-rich TSW (MR-TSW) and maintains skin surface ultrastructure. While many TSWs have been recognized to have beneficial effects on skin, little is known about their localized and specific effects on skin barrier biomechanics at the nanometric scale. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of ATSW with a reference, MR-TSW, on the biomechanical barrier properties of the skin under homeostasis conditions using atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM was used to obtain a precise nanomechanical mapping of the skin surface after three applications of both TSW. This provides specific information on the skin topographical profile and elasticity. The topographic profile of skin samples showed a specific compaction of the skin layers after application of MR-TSW, characterized by an increase of the total number of external skin layers, compared to non-treated samples. By contrast, ATSW did not modify the skin topographic profile. High-resolution force/volume acquisitions to capture the elastic modulus showed that it was directly correlated with skin rigidity. The elastic modulus strongly and significantly increased after MR-TSW application compared to non-treated skin. By contrast, applications of ATSW did not increase elastic modulus. These data demonstrate that applications of MR-TSW significantly modified skin barrier properties by increasing skin surface layer compaction and skin rigidity. By contrast, ATSW did not modify the topographical profile of skin explants nor induce mechanical stress at the level of the stratum corneum, indicating it does not disrupt the biophysical properties linked to skin surface integrity.

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