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Is ischemic stimulus involved for J wave augmentation during coronary angiography and intracoronary administration of normal saline?

BACKGROUND: J waves may be augmented by coronary angiography (CAG) or intracoronary drug administration but the underlying mechanism is unknown.

PURPOSE: The effect of intracoronary normal saline (NS) on J waves were investigated.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: After the standard CAG using iopamidol (IopamiroR Inj), NS was injected into the right coronary artery in 10 patients with and eight patients without J waves at the baseline. The 12-lead ECG was monitored, stored on a computer and retrieved later for measurement of the J wave amplitude before or during the coronary interventions.

RESULTS: J waves in leads II, III and aVF at baseline increased significantly in each lead during the right CAG and NS injection into the right coronary artery. The J wave changes were similar between the two interventions and distinct similar alterations were observed in the QRS complex. We postulated that the ischemic myocardium that was induced during CAG or intracoronary NS administration slowed the conduction velocity of depolarization in the perfusion territory and delayed the timing of J waves to appear. Then, the delayed appearance of J waves would be less opposed by electromotive force from other areas resulting in augmentation.

CONCLUSION: J wave augmentation was observed during CAG and intracoronary NS administration. As a mechanism of augmentation, we postulated that contrast media and NS induce myocardial ischemia and delay the timing of J waves to a point of less opposition by electromotive force from other areas.

HIGHLIGHTS: J wave augmentation has been reported during intracoronary injection of contrast media or drugs. The present study confirmed that normal saline alone was able to augment J waves. Mechanistically, coronary interventions using anoxic solutions can cause regional myocardial ischemia and reduce the conduction velocity of depolarization. Then, delayed J waves are less opposed by the electromotive force from remote areas which leads to augmentation. When a drug is diluted in normal saline and given intracoronarily, changes in J waves can be due to normal saline. The pathophysiological and clinical significance of J waves augmented during coronary interventions need to be established.

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