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Journal Article
From real world data to real world evidence to improve outcomes in neuro-ophthalmology.
Eye 2024 June 6
Real-world data (RWD) can be defined as all data generated during routine clinical care. This includes electronic health records, disease-specific registries, imaging databanks, and data linkage to administrative databases. In the field of neuro-ophthalmology, the intersection of RWD and clinical practice offers unprecedented opportunities to understand and treat rare diseases. However, translating RWD into real-world evidence (RWE) poses several challenges, including data quality, legal and ethical considerations, and sustainability of data sources. This review explores existing RWD sources in neuro-ophthalmology, such as patient registries and electronic health records, and discusses the challenges of data collection and standardisation. We focus on research questions that need to be answered in neuro-ophthalmology and provide an update on RWE generated from various RWD sources. We review and propose solutions to some of the key barriers that can limit translation of a collection of data into impactful clinical evidence. Careful data selection, management, analysis, and interpretation are critical to generate meaningful conclusions.
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