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Journal Article
Gastric dysplastic lesions in Helicobacter pylori-naïve stomach: Foveolar-type adenoma and intestinal-type dysplasia.
Pathology International 2024 August
Reports of Helicobacter pylori (Hp)-naïve gastric neoplasm (HpNGN) cases have been rapidly increasing due to the recent increase in the Hp-naïve population in Japan. Most HpNGNs exhibit the gastric immunophenotype and a low malignant potential regardless of histological type. Especially, foveolar-type gastric adenoma (FGA) and intestinal-type gastric dysplasia (IGD) rarely progress to invasive carcinoma. FGA is a foveolar epithelial neoplasm that occurs in the fundic gland (oxyntic gland) mucosa and is classified as the flat type or raspberry type (FGA-RA). The flat type is a large, whitish flatly elevated lesion while FGA-RA is a small reddish polyp. Genomically, the flat type is characterized by APC and KRAS gene mutations and FGA-RA by a common single nucleotide variant in the KLF4 gene. This KLF4 single-nucleotide variant reportedly induces gastric foveolar epithelial tumorigenesis and activates both cell proliferation and apoptosis, leading to its slow-growing nature. IGD consists of an intestinalized epithelial dysplasia that develops in the pyloric gland mucosa, characterized as a superficial depressed lesion surrounded by raised mucosa showing a gastritis-like appearance. Immunohistochemically, it exhibits an intestinal or gastrointestinal phenotype and, frequently, p53 overexpression. Thus, IGD shows unique characteristics in HpNGNs and a potential multistep tumorigenic process.
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