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Trypanosoma cruzi in Wild and Synanthropic Mammals in Two Regions of Mexico: A Fieldwork and Genetic Discrete Typing Unit Review.

Background: Marsupials and rodents are the most important wild and synanthropic hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi due to the high frequency of infection, maintenance of diverse genetic populations of the parasite, and their close proximity to interact with both transmission cycles, sylvatic and peridomestic. Our aim was to identify the discrete typing units (DTU) of T. cruzi from different wild and synanthropic hosts in two regions of Mexico and to carry out a review of historical data focusing on current knowledge on the diversity and T. cruzi DTUs of host species. Materials and Methods: One hundred fifteen samples were obtained from two areas in Tabasco and Nayarit state. The presence of T. cruzi was evaluated by PCR. Results: The 12.6% (12/95) of samples from Tabasco and 65% (13/20) from Nayarit were found to be positive for parasite DNA. All the sequences analyzed were grouped in T. cruzi DTU I; low nucleotide diversity was observed in Tabasco (π = 0.00566, and ϴ = 0.00632), while high genetic diversity was observed in Nayarit sequences, up to 8.63 (π) to 11.10 (ϴ) times greater than Tabasco sequences. Genetic flow and migration between Tabasco, and Nayarit were scarce (FST = 0.37329 and Nm = 0.42), and genetic exchange was observed only between nearby areas. The bibliographic review of hosts in Mexico, together with our data, shows a heterogeneous T. cruzi prevalence in Chiroptera and domestic animals. For Atelidae and Canids, prevalence is generally below 25%. However, a high prevalence, greater than 25% and up to 100%, was recorded in Didelphimorphia, and Rodentia. Few studies in regions of Mexico have been described as infected with the parasite; in these, the genetic group with the highest prevalence is the DTU I. Conclusion: Marsupials and rodents are important reservoirs of T. cruzi; DTU I was frequently reported; however, recent genetic and reservoir studies have demonstrated the presence of greater diversity of genetic groups.

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