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Assessing nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards breast cancer prevention among female students at the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.
BACKGROUND: Breast cancer remains a complex disease and leading cause of cancer-related death in Nigerian women. Recently, the role of nutrition has been highlighted in the etiology of breast cancer.
METHODS: The aim of this research was to evaluate the nutrition-related knowledge, attitude, and practices of female university students. We also investigated the correlation between their demographic characteristics and their knowledge and attitudes of the survey participants. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among female students at the Federal University of Oye (FUOYE), Nigeria. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires designed to assess their knowledge, attitude, and practices concerning cancer prevention. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20, and significance was set at p < 0.05.
RESULTS: Out of the 402 students who received the questionnaire, 300 completed it. The average age of the participants was 21.26 years with a standard deviation of 2.68. There was generally limited knowledge regarding breast cancer risk factors, with 45% of participants citing family history as the most recognized risk factor. Overall, knowledge level was influenced by the participants' permanent place of residence and course of study. Attitudes towards the impact of maternal and paternal nutrition on breast cancer prevention were notably low. Additionally, less than half of the participants demonstrated good dietary practices.
CONCLUSION: This study revealed low levels of nutrition-related knowledge concerning cancer prevention, accompanied by poor dietary habits among the participants. These results suggest a possible link between inadequate knowledge about breast cancer prevention and the observed poor dietary practices among the participants. The frequent consumption of unhealthy foods among the participants may be a pointer to higher risk of breast cancer in the future, emphasizing a need for health education targeted at this group.
METHODS: The aim of this research was to evaluate the nutrition-related knowledge, attitude, and practices of female university students. We also investigated the correlation between their demographic characteristics and their knowledge and attitudes of the survey participants. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among female students at the Federal University of Oye (FUOYE), Nigeria. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires designed to assess their knowledge, attitude, and practices concerning cancer prevention. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20, and significance was set at p < 0.05.
RESULTS: Out of the 402 students who received the questionnaire, 300 completed it. The average age of the participants was 21.26 years with a standard deviation of 2.68. There was generally limited knowledge regarding breast cancer risk factors, with 45% of participants citing family history as the most recognized risk factor. Overall, knowledge level was influenced by the participants' permanent place of residence and course of study. Attitudes towards the impact of maternal and paternal nutrition on breast cancer prevention were notably low. Additionally, less than half of the participants demonstrated good dietary practices.
CONCLUSION: This study revealed low levels of nutrition-related knowledge concerning cancer prevention, accompanied by poor dietary habits among the participants. These results suggest a possible link between inadequate knowledge about breast cancer prevention and the observed poor dietary practices among the participants. The frequent consumption of unhealthy foods among the participants may be a pointer to higher risk of breast cancer in the future, emphasizing a need for health education targeted at this group.
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