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Identifying Metabolic Diseases That Precipitate Neonatal Seizures.

Although a rare cause of neonatal seizures, inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) remain an essential component of a comprehensive differential diagnosis for poorly controlled neonatal epilepsy. Diagnosing neonatal-onset metabolic conditions proves a difficult task for clinicians; however, routine state newborn screening panels now include many IEMs. Three in particular-pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy, maple syrup urine disease, and Zellweger spectrum disorders-are highly associated with neonatal epilepsy and neurocognitive injury yet are often misdiagnosed. As research surrounding biomarkers for these conditions is emerging and gene sequencing technologies are advancing, clinicians are beginning to better establish early identification strategies for these diseases. In this literature review, the authors aim to present clinicians with an innovative clinical guide highlighting IEMs associated with neonatal-onset seizures, with the goal of promoting quality care and safety.

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