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Equity Matters: Introduction to a New Column.
Neonatal Network : NN 2024 May 1
"Equity Matters" is a new column for Neonatal Network designed to further explore and apply the concept of health equity as it relates to supporting neonatal health and family well-being. In this initial column, an overview of health equity and determinants of health is provided. Two frameworks-the Healthy People 2030 strategy (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) and the American Hospital Association equity roadmap and health equity transformation model-are introduced. Five domains of determinants will be explored in future columns: economic stability, education, social and community context, health and health care, and neighborhood and built environment. The domains of each determinant will be described to provide theoretical and practical approaches to support integration into nursing practice. Neonatal nurses are positioned to recognize health inequities for new families, critically analyze their relationship with the determinants of health, and advocate for strategies to promote health and well-being.
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