Journal Article
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Neonatal Hypoglycemia.

Neonatal hypoglycemia (NH) is broadly defined as a low plasma glucose concentration that elicits hypoglycemia-induced impaired brain function. To date, no universally accepted threshold (reference range) for plasma glucose levels in newborns has been published, as data consistently indicate that neurologic responses to hypoglycemia differ at various plasma glucose concentrations. Infants at risk for NH include infants of diabetic mothers, small or large for gestational age, and premature infants. Common manifestations include jitteriness, poor feeding, irritability, and encephalopathy. Neurodevelopmental morbidities associated with NH include cognitive and motor delays, cerebral palsy, vision and hearing impairment, and poor school performance. This article offers a timely discussion of the state of the science of NH and recommendations for neonatal providers focused on early identification and disease prevention.

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