Journal Article
Pragmatic Clinical Trial
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Tofacitinib is an effective treatment for moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, and intestinal ultrasound can discriminate response from non-response: a pragmatic prospective real-world study.

Annals of Medicine 2024 December
INTRODUCTION: Real-world data on tofacitinib's effectiveness is limited and mainly retrospective or registry-based. We elected to conduct a pragmatic prospective study to assess the efficacy of tofacitinib for moderate to severe ulcerative colitis (UC), aiming to evaluate the ability of intestinal ultrasound (IUS) to discriminate responders vs. non-responders in real-time.

METHODS: This pragmatic prospective clinical study included consecutive adult patients starting tofacitinib treatment for active moderate to severe UC. Patients were evaluated at baseline and after 8 weeks of tofacitinib (clinical, biomarker, endoscopy, and IUS). The primary outcome was clinical response defined by a decrease in the full Mayo score (fMS) of ≥3 at week 8. Next, we explored ultrasonographic parameters in the sigmoid colon as potential real-time classifiers to differentiate between responders and non-responders at week 8.

RESULTS: Overall, 30 adult patients started tofacitinib; the median age was 26.3 years (IQR 22.5-39.8), and 50% were female. Most patients (86.6%) had left-sided or extensive colitis, 96.7% had previously failed biologic therapy, and 60% (18/30) were on oral corticosteroids at the start of tofacitinib. At week 8, clinical response (a decrease in the fMS ≥ 3) and remission (fMS ≤ 2) rates were 40% (12/30) and 20% (6/30), respectively. Biomarker response (FC < 250µg/g) and biomarker normalization (FC ≤ 100µg/g) were achieved in 47.6% (10/21) and 38.1% (8/21) of patients, respectively. Endoscopic healing (endoscopic Mayo sub-score [EMS] ≤ 1) was achieved in 33.3% (10/30) of patients. Sigmoid bowel wall normalization as assessed by IUS (sBWT ≤ 3) was achieved in 18.2% (4/22). The best sBWT cut-off at week 8 to accurately classify endoscopic healing vs. no healing was a sBWT of 3.6 mm (AUC of 0.952 [95% CI: 0.868-1.036], p  < 0.001).

CONCLUSION: In this real-world pragmatic prospective study, tofacitinib was an effective treatment for moderate to severe UC, and IUS at week 8 accurately discriminated treatment response from non-response.

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