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Children who experience sexual abuse often face severe challenges in seeking help and disclosing their traumatic experiences. Objectives - to investigate critical aspects of information transfer, help-seeking behavior and the long-term psychological impact of child sexual abuse. This was a pilot study done on 114 victims of child sexual abuse. The study participants filled a semi-structured proforma through social media using Google forms. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 28. This pilot study on 114 child sexual abuse victims reveals critical insights. Only 15.8% confided in parents, while 37.7% turned to friends. Shockingly, 46.5% kept their ordeal hidden. Disturbingly, only 8.8% sought professional help. The impact on adult life was profound, with 70.2% reporting personal effects. Regrettably, 24.6% resorted to self-harm. Insights on reasons were stark: 63.1% felt defenseless, 23.7% lacked awareness, and 5.3% blamed lax legislation. Encouragingly, 86% actively raised awareness. The study provides a compelling view of child sexual abuse survivors, and emphasizes the need for improved communication within families, accessible support services, and educational initiatives.

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