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Pediatric renal caregiver burden scale: Psychometric properties of the Turkish version.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: As treatment increasingly shifts from hospital settings to home environments, the burden on caregivers of chronic kidney disease patients has the potential to increase further. It is essential to assess the experience and burdens of caregivers of children with chronic kidney disease to identify caregivers' needs and provide targeted interventions when necessary. Hence, this study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Pediatric Renal Caregiver Burden Scale (PR-CBS).

METHODS: This methodological study involved 215 parents with children aged 5-18 and was conducted between December 5, 2021, and August 15, 2022. The Content Validity Index, Explanatory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses, Cronbach's alpha, Test-retest reliability, and item-total score correlation were used in the data analysis. The Turkish version of PR-CBS test-retest reliability analysis was performed with 30 parents after four weeks.

RESULTS: PR-CBS consists of 20 items and five sub-dimensions (illness worries, impact on self, impact on child, responsibility, institutional burden). The Turkish version of the PR-CBS and its five dimensions demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency and reliability. The construct validity of the Turkish version of the PR-CBS was confirmed by Explanatory Factor Analyses and was validated with Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: PR-CBS is a valid and reliable tool to assess the burden of caregivers of children with chronic kidney disease in Turkish society.

IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: By assessing the care burden of families, pediatric nurses can enhance the opportunity to provide quality care and support to caregivers and their patients.

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