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Yield of MR-directed US for MRI-detected breast findings: how often can we avoid MR biopsy?

Clinical Imaging 2024 May 8
PURPOSE: To evaluate the yield of MR-directed ultrasound for MRI detected breast findings.

METHODS: This retrospective study included 857 consecutive patients who had a breast MRI between January 2017-December 2020 and received a BI-RADS 4 assessment. Only exams recommended for MR-directed ultrasound were included in the study, yielding 765 patients. Findings were characterized by presence or absence of a sonographic correlate. Utilizing the electronic medical record, for those with a sonographic correlate, the size, location, and morphology were noted. Imaging guided (Ultrasound and MRI) pathology results as well as excisional pathology results were recorded. A multivariable logistical regression analysis was used to investigate the clinical utility of MR-directed ultrasound.

RESULTS: There were 1262 MRI-detected BI-RADS category 4 findings in 765 patients. Of the 1262 findings, MR-directed ultrasound was performed on 852 (68 %). Of these, 291/852 (34 %) had an ultrasound correlate, including 143/291 (49 %) benign lesions, 81/291 (28 %) malignant lesions, 16/291 (5 %) with high-risk pathology and 51/291 (18 %) unknown due to lost to follow-up. Of those findings with ultrasound correlates, 173/291 (59 %) represented masses, 69/291 (24 %) were regions of non-mass enhancement, 22/291 (7.6 %) were foci and 27/291 (9.3 %) fell into the category of other which included lymph node, cysts, and scar tissue. Masses were significantly more likely to be identified on MR-directed ultrasound (p < 0.0001) compared to foci.

CONCLUSION: The yield of MR-directed ultrasound is significantly higher for masses, than foci and non-mass enhancement, which should be taken into consideration when recommending an MR-directed ultrasound.

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