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Carcinogenic metal(loid)s in house dust compared to soil: concentrations and gastric bioaccessibility.

As a sink and a source of chemicals, house dust represents a relevant medium to assess indoor exposure to metal(loid)s via incidental ingestion or inhalation. However, nationally representative indoor data are scarce. Results from the Canadian House Dust Study (CHDS 2007-2010; n = 1025) provide nationally representative mean, median and 95th percentile concentrations for 38 elements in typical urban house dust, along with their gastric bioaccessibility. Total concentrations (median/95th percentile) of carcinogenic metal(loid)s in Canadian house dust (μg g-1 ) are as follows: As (9.0/40), Be (0.4/0.9), Cd (3.5/17), Co (5.6/19), Cr (99/214), Ni (62/322) and Pb (100/760). Total As and Pb concentrations in house dust exceed residential soil guidelines for the protection of human health in about one-third of Canadian homes. Percent bioaccessibilities (median) are: Cd (65%) > Pb (63%) > Be ∼Ni (36%) > Co (35%) > As (20%) > Cr (15%). Lead, Cd and Co concentrations are significantly greater in older houses (< 1976). Data from two pilot studies (n = 66+51) further demonstrate the distinct geochemistry of house dust compared to soils, notably enrichment of carcinogenic metal(loid)s and their increased bioaccessibility. These results provide essential baseline values to refine risk assessment and inform on health risk at contaminated sites.

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