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Enteral feeding in neonates ≥34 weeks of gestation with moderate to severe birth asphyxia: A retrospective observational study.
Tropical Doctor 2024 May 20
There are no standard guidelines regarding time for initiation of feeds in moderate to severely asphyxiated neonates and data regarding the same in neonates are scanty. Case sheets of all neonates born ≥34 weeks of gestation who satisfied the definition were analysed. The early feeding group was defined as those in whomh feeds were started <24 h and the late feeding group as those started ≥24 h of life. The primary outcome of the study was time to achieve full enteral feeds. A total of 184 neonates were enrolled. Mean time to reach full enteral feeding was 53.7 ± 24.8 h in the early feeding group as compared to 95.0 ± 81.1 h in late enteral feeding group, with a mean difference of 41.3 (25.7-56.8) h. The incidence of adverse secondary outcomes was higher in the late feeding group.
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