English Abstract
Journal Article
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[Investigation on the treatment of empagliflozin in glycogen storage disease type Ib].

Objective: To investigate the safety, efficacy and effective dose of empagliflozin in the treatment of glycogen storage disease type Ⅰb (GSD Ⅰb). Method: This was a cross sectional study. A total of 28 children with GSDⅠb who started oral empagliflozin treatment from January 2021 to June 2023 in the WeChat group of patients with glycogen storage disease were selected as the study objects. Clinical data such as general situation, current situation of medication and adverse reactions of the children were collected through questionnaires from June 18 to 30, 2023. The differences of symptoms and laboratory tests before and after empagliflozin treatment were compared by using paired chi-square test and Wilcoxon signed rank sum test. Results: Totally 28 children with GSD Ⅰb were from 12 different provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China. There were 14 males and 14 females, Empagliflozin treatment was started at the age of 4.8(2.4, 10.8) years, the time of treatment was 14.5(11.3, 21.5) months, the initial dosage was (0.23±0.11) mg/(kg·d), and the maintenance dosage was (0.28±0.12) mg/(kg·d). Empagliflozin showed positive effects on neutropenia, severity of inflammatory bowel disease like symptoms( Z =-3.70 , - 2.65, both P <0.05), The proportion of recurrent oral ulcers, recurrent bacterial infections and anemia was significantly lower than that before medication 18% (5/28) vs. (46% (13/28), 14% (4/28) vs. 46% (13/28), 21% (6/28) vs. 46% (13/28), χ ²=4.05, 5.26, 3.05, all P <0.05). GCSF was once used in 5 children with GSD Ⅰb, all of them had completely stopped GCSF after empagliflozin treatment. The most common adverse events during empagliflozin treatment were hypoglycemia (5 children) and urinary infection (3 children). All 28 patients had no serious adverse reactions. Conclusions: Empagliflozin can increase the neutrophil count of children with GSD Ⅰb, and had a favorable effect on symptoms such as recurrent oral ulcers, and recurrent infection. The common adverse events during empagliflozin treatment were hypoglycemia and urinary infection.

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