Journal Article
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The Cycle of Stress: A Systematic Review of the Impact of Chronic Psychological Stress Models on the Rodent Estrous Cycle.

Stress is known to impair reproduction through interactions between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes. However, while it is well accepted that stress can alter estrous cycle regularity, a key indicator of female's HPG axis function, effects of different types of psychological stress have been inconsistent. This systematic review evaluated the impact of rodent models of psychological stress on estrous cyclicity, while reporting biological parameters pertaining to HPA or HPG axis function assessed within these studies. We performed a systematic database search and included articles that implemented a psychological stress model in rodents and reported estrous cyclicity for at least two cycles after initiation of stress. Of the 32 studies included, 62.5% reported post-stress alterations to estrous cyclicity, with Chronic Mild Stress (CMS) models showing the most conclusive effects. Twenty-five studies measured HPG or HPA axis markers, with cycle disruptions being commonly observed in parallel with altered estradiol and increased corticosterone levels. Our review highlights gaps in reporting estrous cyclicity assessments and makes recommendations to improve comparability between studies.

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