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Contour Neurovascular System for endovascular embolization of cerebral aneurysms: a multicenter cohort study of 10 European neurovascular centers.

BACKGROUND: Intrasaccular devices have become increasingly popular in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms, particularly at the bifurcation. Here we evaluate the Contour Neurovascular System, an intrasaccular device for the endovascular treatment of cerebral aneurysms, in a multicenter cohort study, the largest to the best of our knowledge.

METHODS: Consecutive patients with intracranial aneurysms treated with the Contour Neurovascular System between February 2017 and October 2022 at 10 European neurovascular centers were prospectively collected and retrospectively reviewed. Patient and aneurysm characteristics, procedural details, and angiographic and clinical outcomes were evaluated.

RESULTS: During the study period, 279 aneurysms (median age of patients 60 years, IQR 52-68) were treated with Contour. In 83.2% of patients the device was placed electively, whereas the remaining patients were treated in the setting of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage. The most common locations were the middle cerebral artery (26.5%) followed by the anterior communicating region (26.2%). Median aneurysm dome and neck size were 5.2 mm (IQR 4.2-7) and 3.9 mm (IQR 3-5). Contour size 7 (39%) and 9 (25%) were most used. Thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications occurred in 6.8% and 0.4% of aneurysms, respectively. Raymond-Roy 1 and 2 occlusions at last follow-up were achieved in 63.2% and 28.3%, respectively, resulting in adequate occlusion of 91.5% of aneurysms.

CONCLUSION: This is the largest multicenter study reporting the outcome on the Contour Neurovascular System. At 1 year, the self-evaluated data on safety and efficacy are comparable to data of existing intrasaccular devices. Contour is a promising technology in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms.

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