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The pEGASUS-HPC stent system for intracranial arterial stenosis: a single-center case series.

BACKGROUND: Intracranial arterial stenting is a technique for the treatment of symptomatic stenosis. In this single-center retrospective case series we evaluated a novel low profile laser-cut stent with an antithrombogenic hydrophilic polymer coating (pEGASUS-HPC, Phenox GmbH, Bochum, Germany) for the treatment of intracranial stenosis in the setting of acute ischemic stroke and elective cases.

METHODS: All patients treated with pEGASUS-HPC for one or more intracranial arterial stenoses at our institution were retrospectively included. Clinical, imaging and procedural parameters as well as clinical and imaging follow-up data were collected.

RESULTS: We performed 43 interventions in 41 patients with 42 stenoses in our neurovascular center between August 2021 and February 2024. Twenty-one patients (51.2%) were female and the mean±SD age was 71±10.8 years. Thirty-seven (86.1%) procedures were performed in the setting of endovascular acute ischemic stroke treatment. Technical or procedural complications occurred in seven patients (16.3%), six in the thrombectomy group and one in the elective group. One stent-related hemorrhagic complication (subarachnoid hemorrhage) occurred in emergency cases and symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage occurred in one patient treated in an elective setting. Overall stenosis reduction following pEGASUS-HPC stent implantation was 53.0±18.0%. On follow-up imaging, which was available for 16 patients (37.2%) after an average of 32±58.6 days, 62.5% of the stents were patent.

CONCLUSION: Our single-center case series demonstrates the feasibility of using the pEGASUS-HPC stent system, especially in emergency situations when thrombectomy fails.

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