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DDX58 variant triggers IFN-β-induced autophagy in trabecular meshwork and influences intraocular pressure.

Singleton-Merten syndrome (SMS) is a rare immunogenetic disorder affecting multiple systems, characterized by dental dysplasia, aortic calcification, glaucoma, skeletal abnormalities, and psoriasis. Glaucoma, a key feature of both classical and atypical SMS, remains poorly understood in terms of its molecular mechanism caused by DDX58 mutation. This study presented a novel DDX58 variant (c.1649A>C [p.Asp550Ala]) in a family with childhood glaucoma. Functional analysis showed that DDX58 variant caused an increase in IFN-stimulated gene expression and high IFN-β-based type-I IFN. As the trabecular meshwork (TM) is responsible for controlling intraocular pressure (IOP), we examine the effect of IFN-β on TM cells. Our study is the first to demonstrate that IFN-β significantly reduced TM cell viability and function by activating autophagy. In addition, anterior chamber injection of IFN-β remarkably increased IOP level in mice, which can be attenuated by treatments with autophagy inhibitor chloroquine. To uncover the specific mechanism underlying IFN-β-induced autophagy in TM cells, we performed microarray analysis in IFN-β-treated and DDX58 p.Asp550Ala TM cells. It showed that RSAD2 is necessary for IFN-β-induced autophagy. Knockdown of RSAD2 by siRNA significantly decreased autophagy flux induced by IFN-β. Our findings suggest that DDX58 mutation leads to the overproduction of IFN-β, which elevates IOP by modulating autophagy through RSAD2 in TM cells.

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