Journal Article
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Relevance and feasibility of principles for health and environmental risk decision-making.

Globally, national regulatory authorities are both responsible and accountable for health and environmental decisions related to diverse products and risk decision contexts. These authorities provided regulatory oversight and expedited market authorizations of vaccines and other therapeutic products during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regulatory decisions regarding such products and situations depend upon well-established risk assessment and management steps. The underlying processes supporting such decisions were outlined in frameworks describing the complex interactions between factors including risk assessment and management steps as well as principles which help guide risk decision-making. In 2022, experts in risk science proposed a set of 10 guiding principles, further examining the intersection and utility of these principles using 10 diverse risk contexts, and inviting a broader discourse on the application of these principles in risk decision-making. To add to this information, Canadian regulatory practitioners responsible for evaluating health and environmental risks and establishing policies convened at a Health Canada workshop on Principles for Risk Decision-Making . This review reports the results derived from this interactive engagement and provides a first pragmatic analysis of the relevance, importance, and feasibility of such principles for health and environmental risk decision-making within the Canadian regulatory context.

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