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Assessment of dental and periodontal indices and Streptococcus mutans virulence in fragile X syndrome patients.
INTRODUCTION: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of hereditary genetic disorder in a single gene characterised by intellectual disability. Behavioural features such as autism, hyperactivity and anxiety disorder may be present. Biofilm development and pathogenicity of Streptococcus mutans may be altered because FXS renders the dental approach and oral hygiene more complex.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of transcripts for VicRK and CovR of S. mutans isolated from FXS patients with the levels of transcripts for VicRK and CovR of standard strain ATCC, using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR).
METHODS: The caries experience index was assessed by the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), Periodontal Condition Index (PCI) and Invasive Dental Treatment Need Index (INI).
RESULTS: The clinical index findings revealed a high rate of caries cavities and bleeding on probing of FXS patients. When VicRK and CovR transcript levels were compared with the reference strain, Fragile X patients were found to have significantly higher values.
CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that FXS patients have more adverse clinical conditions, with increased biofilm accumulation and virulence. When combined with behavioural abnormalities, these patients become even more vulnerable to dental caries.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of transcripts for VicRK and CovR of S. mutans isolated from FXS patients with the levels of transcripts for VicRK and CovR of standard strain ATCC, using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR).
METHODS: The caries experience index was assessed by the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), Periodontal Condition Index (PCI) and Invasive Dental Treatment Need Index (INI).
RESULTS: The clinical index findings revealed a high rate of caries cavities and bleeding on probing of FXS patients. When VicRK and CovR transcript levels were compared with the reference strain, Fragile X patients were found to have significantly higher values.
CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that FXS patients have more adverse clinical conditions, with increased biofilm accumulation and virulence. When combined with behavioural abnormalities, these patients become even more vulnerable to dental caries.
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