Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Deregulation of immune response contributing to fulminant hepatitis in HEV infected pregnant women.

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in pregnant women is associated with a wide spectrum of adverse consequences for both mother and fetus. The high mortality in this population appears to be associated with hormonal changes and consequent immunological changes. This study conducted an analysis of immune responses in pregnant women infected with HEV manifesting varying severity. Data mining analysis of the GSE79197 was utilized to examine differentially biological functions in pregnant women with HEV infection (P-HEV) versus without HEV infection (P-nHEV), P-HEV progressing to ALF (P-ALF) versus P-HEV, and P-HEV versus non-pregnant women with HEV infection (nP-HEV). We found cellular response to interleukin and immune response-regulating signalings were activated in P-HEV compared with P-nHEV. However, there was a significant decrease of immune responses, such as T cell activation, leukocyte cell-cell adhesion, regulation of lymphocyte activation, and immune response-regulating signaling pathway in P-ALF patient than P-HEV patient. Compared with nP-HEV, MHC protein complex binding function was inhibited in P-HEV. Further microRNA enrichment analysis showed that MAPK and T cell receptor signaling pathways were inhibited in P-HEV compared with nP-HEV. In summary, immune responses were activated during HEV infection while being suppressed when developing ALF during pregnancy, heightening the importance of immune mediation in the pathogenesis of severe outcome in HEV infected pregnant women.

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