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Long-term continuous monitoring of arrhythmias in pigs with insertable cardiac monitors.
Arrhythmia detection is essential when assessing the safety of novel drugs and therapies in preclinical studies. Many short-term arrhythmia monitoring methods exist, including non-invasive ECG and Holter. However, there are no reliable, long-term, non-invasive, or minimally invasive methods for cardiac arrhythmia follow-up in large animals that allows free movement with littermates. A long follow-up time is needed when estimating the impact of long-lasting drugs or therapies, such as gene therapy. We evaluated the feasibility and performance of insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs) in pigs for minimally invasive, long-term monitoring of cardiac arrhythmias that allows free movement and species-specific behavior. Multiple implantation sites were tested to assess signal quality. ICMs recognized reliably many different arrhythmias but failed to detect single extrasystoles. They also over-diagnosed T-waves, resulting in oversensing. Muscle activity and natural startles of the animals caused noise, leading to a heterogeneous signal requiring post-recording evaluation. In spite of these shortcomings, the ICMs showed to be very useful for minimally invasive long-term monitoring of cardiac rhythm in pigs.
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