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The relationship between religious affiliation and menopause symptoms and attitudes in United States women.

Maturitas 2024 April 28
OBJECTIVES: This study's aim is to examine patterns of menopause symptoms and attitudes among United States women from different religious affiliations.

STUDY DESIGN: We used data from a national sample of midlife and older adults. For this analysis, we included only women who were postmenopausal or had undergone hysterectomy. We constructed univariate and multivariate logistic regression models to examine the relationship between religious affiliation and menopause symptoms and attitudes while adjusting for potential confounders.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Menopause symptoms (hot flashes, pain in sexual interactions, pleasure in sexual interactions, trouble falling asleep) and attitudes (relief on periods stopping, regret on periods stopping, worry about becoming less attractive) measured by self-report on Likert scales.

RESULTS: Across denominations, 47 % of women experienced hot flashes, 48 % experienced pain in sexual interactions, 95 % experienced pleasure, and 88 % had trouble falling asleep. Regarding attitudes towards menopause and aging, 62 % felt relief in their periods stopping, while 56 % expressed worry about becoming less attractive with aging. Baptist women were more likely to experience hot flashes and trouble falling asleep compared to Catholic women. However, when adjusted for smoking status, this relationship did not persist. Unaffiliated and Spiritual women were less likely to experience trouble falling asleep and more likely to report pleasure in sexual interactions compared to Catholic women. Spiritual women were significantly more likely to feel regret on periods stopping compared to Catholics.

CONCLUSIONS: There is a relationship between religious affiliation and the menopause experience. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering social influences on women's health.

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