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Novel, braided, self-expandable stent designed for the treatment of pulsatile tinnitus caused by intracranial venous stenosis: first-in-human experience and long-term outcomes.

BACKGROUND: Pulsatile tinnitus (PT) can be a disabling clinical condition, which may be caused by a sigmoid/transverse sinus stenosis (STSS). Intracranial venous stenting with off-label carotid or peripheral venous stents has been used successfully to treat this condition. We present the results of a cohort of patients presenting with PT treated with a novel, dedicated, braided stent for the endovascular treatment of STSS.

METHODS: Twelve patients presenting with PT and associated STSS were treated at our institution (December 2022-June 2023). All clinical and procedural variables were prospectively collected. We used the Tinnitus Function Index (TFI) and the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) scores to assess the impact of PT on quality of life before and after the treatment (mean follow-up: 10.3 months).

RESULTS: Twelve women (mean age: 44±16.5 years) presenting with PT and STSS were treated. Mean pretreatment TFI/THI scores were 78.8/77. The BosStent was successfully deployed in all patients. We experienced no intraprocedural/postoperative complications. Intra-stent angioplasty was performed in three cases. All patients reported a complete resolution of PT symptoms within 1 month and remained stable and PT-free at the last follow-up (mean posttreatment TFI/THI score: 7.1/5, p<0001).

CONCLUSIONS: The BosStent was successfully used in a cohort of patients with PT without any intraprocedural complications. All the patients experienced a complete resolution of PT symptoms after 1 month, which was stable during the follow-up period. Further studies with larger populations will be necessary to investigate the safety and effectiveness of this novel stent for the treatment of PT with STSS.

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