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Comparison of the Outcomes of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery and Traditional Recovery Pathway in Robotic Hysterectomy for Benign Indications: A Randomised Controlled Trial.

OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of implementation of the ERAS program in patients undergoing robotic hysterectomy for benign indications in comparison with conventional management DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial SETTING: North Indian tertiary care hospital PARTICIPANTS: Patients aged 40-60 years willing to sign the informed written consent were included while cases with contraindications for neuraxial anesthesia were excluded. 130 subjects undergoing robotic hysterectomy, divided into ERAS (N=65) and conventional (non-ERAS) (N=65) groups.

INTERVENTIONS: Components of the ERAS protocol included preoperative counselling, carbohydrate loading, early removal of catheter, and early ambulation. Both groups underwent optimization of medical conditions, standardized anesthesia, and venous thromboembolism prophylaxis.

RESULTS: Outcome measures included length of hospital stay (LOHS), time to tolerance of diet, postoperative complications, readmission rates, and quality of life assessed by WHO-QOL BREF. Baseline characteristics were comparable between groups. ERAS group showed significantly lower docking time (4.82±0.73 versus 5.31±0.92 minutes), faster tolerance of diet (0.14±0.35 versus 1.14±0.35 days), and earlier resumption of ambulation (0.42±0.5 versus 1.26±0.44 days). Time for 'fit for discharge' (1.43±0.61 versus 2.97±1.1 days) and LOHS (2.85±1.09 versus 3.78±1.29 days) were significantly lower in the ERAS group. Postoperative complications and readmission rates were comparable. Quality of life scores favoured the ERAS group at postoperative day 1 and 30.

CONCLUSION: The combination of ERAS and robotic surgery improves patient outcomes, shortens hospital stay, and enhances postoperative recovery without increasing complications. This research serves as a pioneering effort in assessing ERAS impact on robotic hysterectomy for benign indications, providing valuable insights for future multicentric studies and supporting the integration of ERAS protocols to enhance patient outcomes and quality of life.

CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical trial registry of India:

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