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Acceptance of Telepresence Robotics, Telecare and Teletherapy Among Stroke Patients, Relatives and Therapy Staff.

BACKGROUND: Stroke as a cause of disability in adulthood causes an increasing demand for therapy and care services, including telecare and teletherapy.

OBJECTIVES: Aim of the study is to analyse the acceptance of telepresence robotics and digital therapy applications.

METHODS: Longitudinal study with a before and after survey of patients, relatives and care and therapy staff.

RESULTS: Acceptance of the technology analysed is high in all three groups. Although acceptance among patients declined in parts of the cases in the second survey after having used telerobotics, all in all approval ratings remained high. With regard to patients no significant correlation was found between the general technology acceptance and the acceptance of use of telerobotics.

CONCLUSION: Accepted new telecare and teletherapies can be offered with the help of telepresence robotics. This requires knowledge of and experience with the technology.

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