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Bacteriological Survey of Insect Products in Japan.

A microbiological study was conducted on 41 insect product samples (29 raw frozen [21 domestic and 8 imported], 10 powdered, and 2 processed), which were commercially available in Japan. The total aerobic count for raw frozen insects was 5.61 log cfu/g (range: 2.52-8.40), whereas the powdered insect count was 2.89 log cfu/g (range: 1.00-4.57). The bacterial count was significantly higher in raw frozen insects ( p < 0.05). The coliform count for the raw frozen insects ranged from <1 to 6.90 log cfu/g, and that for the powdered insects ranged from <1 to 1.00 log cfu/g. The number of samples with values above the detection limit was significantly higher in raw frozen insects ( p < 0.05). The detection frequencies of aerobic spores (<1-4.63 log cfu/g), anaerobic spores (<0-4.40 log cfu/g), and Bacillus cereus (<1.7-3.83 log cfu/g) showed no sample type-related significant difference. Listeria spp. was isolated from four samples of raw frozen insects, one of which was Listeria monocytogenes . We did not detect any of the following: Salmonella spp., Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), Campylobacter jejuni/coli , or pathogenic Yersinia . We isolated insect products retailed in Japan harboring food poisoning bacteria, including L. monocytogenes and B. cereus . In particular, raw frozen products displayed high levels of hygienic indicator bacteria.

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