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Terrible Triad of the Elbow with Ipsilateral Complete Triceps Tearing, Distal Radius and Scaphoid Waist Fracture: A Case Report.

INTRODUCTION: The terrible triad of the elbow includes an elbow dislocation or subluxation with coronoid and in combination with radial head fractures. Still, none of them are accompanied by rupture of the triceps tendon.

CASE REPORT: The article describes a terrible triad injury in a young patient with an additional triceps rupture. The treatment involved lateral and medial approaches for the repair of various ligaments and fractures, but the elbow remained unstable. A posterior approach was used to repair the triceps rupture.

CONCLUSION: Triceps tendon rupture may be accompanied by dribble triad injuries, highlighting the importance of pre-operative evaluation to select the most appropriate surgical approach. The selection of an optimal surgical approach is crucial for the successful treatment and management of these injuries.

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