Journal Article
Randomized Controlled Trial
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Effects of pre-exercise glycerol supplementation on dehydration, metabolic, kinematic, and thermographic variables in international race walkers.

BACKGROUND: Due to the increase in global temperature, it is necessary to investigate solutions so that athletes competing in hot conditions can perform in optimal conditions avoiding loss of performance and health problems. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effect of pre-exercise glycerol supplementation during a rectangular test at ambient temperature mid (28.2ºC) on dehydration variables in international race walkers.

METHODS: Eight international male race walkers (age: 28.0 years (4.4); weight: 65.6 kg (6.6); height: 180.0 cm (5.0); fat mass: 6.72% (0.66); muscle mass: 33.3 kg (3.3); VO2MAX : 66.5 ml · kg-1 ·min-1 (1.9)) completed this randomized crossover design clinical trial. Subjects underwent two interventions: they consumed placebo ( n  = 8) and glycerol ( n  = 8) acutely, before a rectangular test where dehydration, RPE, metabolic, kinematic, and thermographic variables were analyzed before, during and after the test.

RESULTS: After the intervention, significant differences were found between groups in body mass in favor of the placebo (Placebo: -2.23 kg vs Glycerol: -2.48 kg; p  = 0.033). For other variables, no significant differences were found.

CONCLUSION: Therefore, pre-exercise glycerol supplementation was not able to improve any dehydration, metabolic, kinematic, or thermographic variables during a rectangular test at temperature mid in international race walkers. Possibly, a higher environmental temperature could have generated a higher metabolic and thermoregulatory stress, generating differences between groups like other previous scientific evidence.

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