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Phospholipid Analyses of Rabbit Ocular Surface Tissues.
Experimental Eye Research 2024 April 23
The tissues of the integument covering the ocular surface comprise a mucus membrane functioning as a protective physical barrier and has the ability to mount a defensive inflammatory response. Since lipid metabolism has a role in both of these functions, we studied normal membrane phospholipids (PL) of the cornea and bulbar conjunctiva to (1) determine baseline PL profiles of these tissues, (2) compare and contrast these individual PL metabolite profiles as well as groups of metabolites, and (3) describe pathway-specific metabolic interrelations among these tissues. Corneal and conjunctival tissue samples were isolated from rabbit eyes (n=30) and extracted with chloroform-methanol using a modified Folch procedure. 31 P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to qualitatively and quantitatively measure tissue PL profiles. The cornea and conjunctiva, respectively, have the following PL composition (mole % of total detected phospholipid): phosphatidylglycerol (PG) - , 0.4; lysophosphatidylethanolamine 1.2, - ; phosphatidic acid - , 0.4; diPG (cardiolipin) 2.1, 3.5; unknown PL at the chemical shift of 0.13 δ 1.5, 0.9; ethanolamine plasmalogen 11.2, 13.0; phosphatidylethanolamine 11.5, 12.8; phosphatidylserine 8.9, 10.1; sphingomyelin 10.2, 10.7; lysophosphatidylcholine 0.9, 1.4; phosphatidylinositol 5.3, 5.3; phosphatidylcholine (PC) plasmalogen or alkylacylPC 2.2, 1.9; PC 45.1, 40.0. In addition, 28 PL metabolic indices were calculated from these data, which permitted pathway-specific lipid analyses. This study (1) establishes PL profiles of the two ocular tissues of the integument that cover the surface of the eye, (2) compares and contrasts indices comprised of ratios and combinations of PL, and (3) describes pathway-specific metabolic interrelations among these tissues to serve as baselines for studies involving the distribution of tissue phospholipids.
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