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Seroprevalence and Phylogenetic Characterization of Hepatitis E Virus ( Paslahepevirus balayani ) in Guinean Pig Population.

Background: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is transmitted by the fecal route, usually through contaminated water in humans and/or infected animals, especially pigs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of anti-HEV antibodies in a panel of pig sera and to identify HEV in pig feces in farms. Methodology: The presence of HEV antibodies was tested by an in-house ELISA and a commercial ELISA IDvet. HEV genome was assessed by nested RT-PCR, and then, genotype was identified by sequencing (MinION Nanopore technology). Results: In 2017-2019, the 43% seroprevalence found in Forest Guinea was significantly higher than the 7% found in the Lower region ( p < 0.01). Presence of HEV genotype 3c was demonstrated during a secondary study in the Lower region (Conakry) in 2022. Conclusion: The presence of HEV-3c in pigs calls for an evaluation of seroprevalence in human populations and for a HEV genotype human circulation check. Contribution Heading: This study is the first report, to our knowledge, of seroprevalence and characterization of HEV infection in pigs in Guinea.

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