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Diagnosis, management, and outcomes of parechovirus infections in infants: an overview.

Parechovirus A (PeV-A) infections have been detected with increasing frequency in US infants under 6 months of age, leading to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) health advisory in July 2022. Clinicians are advised to consider PeV-A laboratory testing of blood and cerebrospinal fluid when infants present with unexplained fever, sepsis-like illness, or neurological issues. Clinical laboratories are encouraged to offer in-house molecular testing for PeV-A to avoid diagnostic delays, unnecessary use of antibiotics, and prolonged hospitalization of infants presenting with sepsis-like illness. While data are evolving on potential neurodevelopmental sequelae after PeV-A infant central nervous system infections, most infected infants return to baseline health for age. This review examines the PeV-A literature with a focus on PeV-A3, including aspects of epidemiology, clinical presentations/management, laboratory diagnostics, genotyping, and post-infectious sequelae related to PeV-A infections in infants.

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