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Lung Protective Ventilation during Pregnancy: An Observational Cohort Study.

Objectives  We sought to describe characteristics of mechanically ventilated pregnant patients, evaluate utilization of low-tidal-volume ventilation (LTVV) and high-tidal-volume ventilation (HTVV) by trimester, and describe maternal and fetal outcomes by ventilation strategy. Study Design  This is a retrospective cohort study of pregnant women with mechanical ventilation for greater than 24 hours between July 2012 and August 2020 at a tertiary care academic medical center. We defined LTVV as average daily tidal volume 8 mL/kg of less of predicted body weight, and HTVV as greater than 8 mL/kg. We examined demographic characteristics, maternal and fetal characteristics, and outcomes by ventilation strategy. Results  We identified 52 ventilated pregnant women, 43 had LTVV, and 9 had HTVV. Acute respiratory distress syndrome occurred in 73% ( N  = 38) of patients, and infection was a common indication for ventilation ( N  = 33, 63%). Patients had LTVV more often than HTVV in all trimesters. Obstetric complications occurred frequently, 21% ( N  = 11) experienced preeclampsia or eclampsia, and among 43 patients with available delivery data, 60% delivered preterm ( N  = 26) and 16% had fetal demise ( N  = 7). Conclusion  LTVV was utilized more often than HTVV among pregnant women in all trimesters. There was a high prevalence of maternal and fetal morbidity and fetal mortality among our cohort. Key Points Our center utilized low tidal more often than high-tidal-volume ventilation during all trimesters of pregnancy.Prone positioning can be performed at advanced gestations.Infection is a common cause of antepartum ventilation.

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