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The journey from bench to bedside - it takes a science village.

I was fortunate enough to start my career at what was the dawn of modern-day molecular biology and to apply it to an important health problem. While my early work focused on fundamental science, the desire to understand human disease better and to find practical applications for research discoveries resulted, over the following decades, in creating a stream of translational research directed specifically towards epithelial cancers. This could only have been possible through multiple collaborations. This type of team science would eventually become a hallmark of my career. With the development of higher throughput molecular techniques, the pace of research and discovery have quickened, and the concept of personalized medicine based on genomics is now coming to fruition. I hope my legacy will not just reflect my published works, but will also include the impact I have had on the development of the next generation of scientist and clinician scientists who inspired me with their dedication, knowledge and enthusiasm.

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