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Journal Article
Genetically Encoded Sensors for the In Vivo Detection of Neurochemical Dynamics.
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 2024 April 19
The ability to measure dynamic changes in neurochemicals with high spatiotemporal resolution is essential for understanding the diverse range of functions mediated by the brain. We review recent advances in genetically encoded sensors for detecting neurochemicals and discuss their in vivo applications. For example, notable progress has been made with respect to sensors for second messengers such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate, enabling in vivo real-time monitoring of these messengers at single-cell and even subcellular resolution. Moreover, the emergence of highly sensitive sensors for neurotransmitters and neuromodulators has greatly accelerated the study of these signaling molecules in a wide variety of behavioral models using an array of powerful imaging techniques. Finally, we discuss the future direction of neurochemical sensors, including their ability to measure neurochemical concentrations and the potential for multiplex imaging.
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