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Correlations between the degree of infection by wild strain of Toxoplasma gondii in vitro and porcine hematological parameters.
Experimental Parasitology 2024 April 16
The apicomplexa Toxoplasma gondii is capable of actively proliferating in numerous types of nucleated cells, and therefore has a high potential for dissemination and resistance. Thus, the present work aimed to correlate the inoculum concentrations and amount of post-infection parasites with porcine hematological parameters (including biochemistry) through in vitro culture. Porcine blood was incubated with different concentrations of parasites (1.2 x 107 , 6 / 3 / 1.5 x 106 cells/mL), then the concentrations of red blood cells (RBC) and their morphology, total and differential leukocytes, and free peptides were evaluated. In addition, eight different blood samples analyzed before inoculation, where subsequent multivariate analysis was applied to correlate different variables with trophozoite concentration. The results showed no significant variation (p < 0.05) in the relative levels of free peptides, or the relative percentage of RBC at all the parasite concentrations tested. However, the normalized percentages of leukocytes and neutrophils showed a significant reduction, while those of lymphocytes, eosinophils and monocytes showed the opposite behavior. Semi-automatic processing of images exhibited significant microcytosis and hypochromia. The multivariate analysis revealed a positive correlation between the amount number of protozoa (AP) and the variables: "Red cells" and "Neutrophils", an indifference between the AP and the content of free peptides, and the concentration of monocytes in the samples; and a negative correlation for AP and the percentages of lymphocytes and eosinophils. Our results suggest that specific changes in hematological parameters may be associated with different degrees of parasitemia, demanding a thorough diagnostic process and adequate treatment.
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