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Target Delineation in Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer After Flap Reconstruction.

Delineation of the clinical target volume (CTV) after resection of head and neck cancer can be challenging, especially after flap reconstruction. The main area of contention is whether the entire flap should be included in the CTV. Several case series have reported marginal misses and intraflap failures when the entire flap was not routinely included in the CTV. On the other hand, available data have not convincingly demonstrated a detriment to long-term outcomes using intensity modulated radiotherapy after flap reconstruction. On the contrary, postoperative radiation can facilitate epilation and mucosalization of the flap tissue, reduce flap bulk, and improve long-term esthetic and functional outcomes. Therefore, our standard practice is to include the entire flap in the CTV. In certain scenarios, we may allow for a lower dose to part of flap distant from the resection bed than the flap-tumor bed junction, where recurrences are most likely. We provide three case vignettes describing such scenarios where sparing part of the flap, and more importantly, the nearby uninvolved native tissue, from high-dose radiation may be justified.

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