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Comparison of a Person-Centered Pregnancy Prevention Question and One Key Question® to Assess Postpartum Contraceptive Needs.
Contraception 2024 April 16
INTRODUCTION: Pregnancy intention is widely used to screen for contraceptive needs, yet its relevance to postpartum individuals has not been demonstrated.
METHODS: We surveyed 234 postpartum individuals to assess the alignment between pregnancy intentions in the next year and current desire to prevent pregnancy.
RESULTS: Most individuals (87%) desired pregnancy prevention now, including 73% of individuals who desired or were ambivalent about pregnancy in the next year.
CONCLUSION: A majority of individuals considering pregnancy in the next year desired pregnancy prevention now. Directly assessing current desire to prevent pregnancy may be more specific for contraceptive needs in postpartum individuals.
METHODS: We surveyed 234 postpartum individuals to assess the alignment between pregnancy intentions in the next year and current desire to prevent pregnancy.
RESULTS: Most individuals (87%) desired pregnancy prevention now, including 73% of individuals who desired or were ambivalent about pregnancy in the next year.
CONCLUSION: A majority of individuals considering pregnancy in the next year desired pregnancy prevention now. Directly assessing current desire to prevent pregnancy may be more specific for contraceptive needs in postpartum individuals.
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