Journal Article
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How ceramides affect the development of colon cancer: from normal colon to carcinoma.

The integrity of the colon and the development of colon cancer depend on the sphingolipid balance in colon epithelial cells. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on how ceramides and their complex derivatives influence normal colon development and colon cancer development. Ceramides, glucosylceramides and sphingomyelin are essential membrane components and, due to their biophysical properties, can influence the activation of membrane proteins, affecting protein-protein interactions and downstream signalling pathways. Here, we review the cellular mechanisms known to be affected by ceramides and their effects on colon development. We also describe which ceramides are deregulated during colorectal carcinogenesis, the molecular mechanisms involved in ceramide deregulation and how this affects carcinogenesis. Finally, we review new methods that are now state of the art for studying lipid-protein interactions in the physiological environment.

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