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Assessment of refractive outcomes in eyes that underwent intraocular lens implantation in the posterior chamber but not "in-the-capsular bag:" A comparative retrospective study.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to report visual and refractive outcomes in eyes that underwent intraocular lens (IOL) fixation in the absence of capsular support.

METHODS: This was a retrospective chart review of cases undergoing posterior chamber iris-fixated IOL (IFIOL) and scleral-fixated IOL (SFIOL) implants from June 2014 to March 2020 with more than 3 months of follow-up and having a preoperative best-corrected visual acuity of 20/80 and more.

RESULTS: Records of 120 eyes of 112 patients were reviewed. The mean age of the patients was 46.9 ± 22.3 (14.4-98.0) years, and 62% ( n = 70) of participants were male. Most of the eyes (102: 85%) were aphakic at the time of surgery. The mean follow-up was 22.95 ± 17.1 months. The efficacy index of sutured IFIOL and glued SFIOL outperformed sutured SFIOL at 3 months and final visits postoperatively ( P < 0.001 ) . All techniques studied here resulted in a similar safety index at 3 months ( P = 0.4). The mean predictive error (postoperative spherical equivalent refraction minus intended target refraction) was +0.07 ± 1.5 D and -0.12 ± 1.4 D at 3 months and the final postoperative visit, respectively.

CONCLUSION: The studied techniques have relatively good visual and refractive outcomes in this series. In addition, techniques involving a small corneal incision with foldable IOL fixation to the iris or scleral tissue have superior efficacy and safety indices compared to creating large corneoscleral wounds for rigid IOL fixation techniques.

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