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A middle lobe sparing sleeve resection versus bilobectomy for right lower central non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective propensity score matched cohort study.
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2024 April 16
OBJECTIVES: The right lower sleeve lobectomy is a rarely performed major lung resection.This study aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of this procedure by comparing to right lower bilobectomy in non-small cell lung cancer patients.
METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed a prospective database of non-small cell lung cancer patients who underwent right lower sleeve lobectomy (group S) or right lower bilobectomy (group B) from January 2014 to January 2020 in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. Propensity score matching method was applied to balance confounders between the two groups, resulting in 41 matched pairs.The analysis was performed to compare perioperative outcomes, long-term survival, and postoperative pulmonary volume between the two groups.
RESULTS: No significant differences in the characteristics were observed between the two matched groups.Major postoperative complications developed in 31.7% of the patients in group B and 12.1% of the patients in group S (P = 0.032).Intervention rate for surgical residual cavity in group B is significantly higher than those patients in group S(21.9%vs7.3%,p = 0.037).The postoperative right lateral and overall lung volume in group S were both significantly larger than that in group B (P = 0.026,P = 0.001,respectively).
CONCLUSIONS: Compared to bi-lobectomy, a middle lobe sparing sleeve resection obtains a less prevalence of major complications, smaller postoperative residual air space and similar long-term survival for selected central right lower NSCLC patients.
METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed a prospective database of non-small cell lung cancer patients who underwent right lower sleeve lobectomy (group S) or right lower bilobectomy (group B) from January 2014 to January 2020 in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. Propensity score matching method was applied to balance confounders between the two groups, resulting in 41 matched pairs.The analysis was performed to compare perioperative outcomes, long-term survival, and postoperative pulmonary volume between the two groups.
RESULTS: No significant differences in the characteristics were observed between the two matched groups.Major postoperative complications developed in 31.7% of the patients in group B and 12.1% of the patients in group S (P = 0.032).Intervention rate for surgical residual cavity in group B is significantly higher than those patients in group S(21.9%vs7.3%,p = 0.037).The postoperative right lateral and overall lung volume in group S were both significantly larger than that in group B (P = 0.026,P = 0.001,respectively).
CONCLUSIONS: Compared to bi-lobectomy, a middle lobe sparing sleeve resection obtains a less prevalence of major complications, smaller postoperative residual air space and similar long-term survival for selected central right lower NSCLC patients.
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