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Adult Cancer Patients' Perceptions of Factors That Influence Hospital Admissions.
Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS 2024 May
PURPOSE/AIMS: To explore cancer patients' perceptions of factors that influence hospital readmissions.
DESIGN: A cross-sectional, prospective design was employed utilizing a 1-time survey and brief interviews to measure patients' perceptions and unplanned hospital admissions.
METHODS AND VARIABLES: The principal investigator collected data from medical record review, the Hospital Admission Survey, and interviews to measure patient characteristics and perceptions of influencing factors that contributed to an unplanned hospital admission upon admission. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to categorize patient perceptions of influencing factors of unplanned hospital admissions.
RESULTS: The top reasons for admission were symptoms of uncontrolled gastrointestinal, pain, fever, and respiratory problems. The majority perceived the admission was unavoidable and wanted to avoid an admission. Perceived influencing factors were related to survey categories of 1) communication (ie, cannot reach physician anytime, cannot get a next-day appointment, medical problems are out of control, advised to go to the emergency department) and 2) home environment (ie, unable to adequately manage symptoms at home and hospital admission is the best place for care). Other survey categories of patient education and palliative care were not perceived as influencing or contributing factors.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight opportunities for clinical nurse specialists to target these vulnerable patients and provide expert consultation to address potential barriers and gaps in utilization of appropriate supportive services that may reduce unplanned hospital admissions.
DESIGN: A cross-sectional, prospective design was employed utilizing a 1-time survey and brief interviews to measure patients' perceptions and unplanned hospital admissions.
METHODS AND VARIABLES: The principal investigator collected data from medical record review, the Hospital Admission Survey, and interviews to measure patient characteristics and perceptions of influencing factors that contributed to an unplanned hospital admission upon admission. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to categorize patient perceptions of influencing factors of unplanned hospital admissions.
RESULTS: The top reasons for admission were symptoms of uncontrolled gastrointestinal, pain, fever, and respiratory problems. The majority perceived the admission was unavoidable and wanted to avoid an admission. Perceived influencing factors were related to survey categories of 1) communication (ie, cannot reach physician anytime, cannot get a next-day appointment, medical problems are out of control, advised to go to the emergency department) and 2) home environment (ie, unable to adequately manage symptoms at home and hospital admission is the best place for care). Other survey categories of patient education and palliative care were not perceived as influencing or contributing factors.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight opportunities for clinical nurse specialists to target these vulnerable patients and provide expert consultation to address potential barriers and gaps in utilization of appropriate supportive services that may reduce unplanned hospital admissions.
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