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Recombinant CD5 and CD6 Ectodomains Induce Antiparasitic and Immunomodulatory Effects in Secondary Cystic Echinococcosis.
Parasite Immunology 2024 April
Scavenger receptors participate in a wide range of biological functions after binding to multiple non-self or altered self-ligands. Among them, CD5 and CD6 are lymphocyte scavenger receptors known to interact with different microbial-associated molecular patterns, and the administration of the recombinant soluble ectodomains of human CD5 (rshCD5) and/or CD6 (rshCD6) has shown therapeutic/prophylactic potential in experimental models of fungal, bacterial and echinococcal infections. The latter is a zoonosis caused by the larval stage of the cestode parasite Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato, which in humans can induce secondary cystic echinococcosis (CE) after the spillage of protoscoleces contained within fertile cysts, either spontaneously or during surgical removal of primary hydatid cysts. Herein, we have analysed the mechanisms behind the significant protection observed in the mouse model of secondary CE following prophylactic administration of rshCD5 or rshCD6. Our results show that both molecules exhibit intrinsic antiparasitic activities in vitro, as well as immunomodulatory functions during early secondary CE, mainly through Th1/Th17 cytokine bias and promotion of peritoneal polyreactive antibodies. These data support the relevance of the parasite components bound by rshCD5 and rshCD6, as well as the potential of their prophylactic administration as a useful strategy to reduce secondary CE in patients.
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